While doing operations on fractions, in which order should the operations be done among these four operations? @^ + \space \times \space - \space \div@^
A zoo has two elephants. The male elephant weighs ^@\dfrac { 3 }{ 8 }^@ of a ton and the female elephant weighs ^@\dfrac{ 2 }{ 8 }^@ of a ton. What is the weight of both elephants?
19 pieces of rope, which are all of the same length, can be tied together to form a rope that is 75.05 meters long. How many similar pieces are needed to make a rope that is 177.75 meters long?
The parking lot of the Shopping Complex has a capacity of ^@ 429 ^@ cars. On Saturday, the ratio of occupied spots to empty spots in the parking lot stays ^@ 3:10. ^@ The number of additional cars could park there is:
Bruno changes a picture on his computer such that the width of the image is 50% of the original image and the height of the image is 50% of the original image. If the area of the new image is 22.75 cm2, find the area of the original image.